A few weeks ago, my little sister and brother in-law came to Louisville to stay with my husband and I for a weekend. We had so much fun exploring Louisville, riding electronic scooters, eating, and playing games. We also were able to fit in a mini session the last evening they were here! When we were younger, I would always have my little sister model for me! One of the first photoshoots I was ever proud of was of my little sister! Little did I know that one day I would be photographing their engagement and wedding! I haven't photographed them since their wedding 2.5 years ago! Maybe one day I will blog their engagement and wedding, because those pics are some of my favorites to this day!
As you can see, these two are pretty goofy and have a lot of fun together...but they can sure bring on the serious steamy pics too! I hope you enjoy these pics! If you ever wanna book a couples or engagement session, fill out my contact form and I'll be in touch!
