This post is for my photographer friends!
Two years ago, I had no idea what a personal branding session was. I was shooting branding sessions...but I didn't know that I was shooting branding sessions...ya know? I was photographing podcasters, artists, and bloggers, but I didn't quite know what to call those types of sessions....all I knew was that I liked it! After lots of research, I discovered that those types of sessions were called personal branding sessions and that it was an up-and-coming niché of photography!

Entrepreneurship and owning small businesses are becoming more and more popular! Whether it is a coaching business, a local boutique, or an Etsy shop, small businesses are everywhere! Something people often forget is that behind every small business, there is a business owner! An individual! And sometimes a team! And every single one of them needs professional photos for their website and social media!

Let’s talk about what a personal branding session is NOT.
It’s not a typical portrait session. It’s not a headshot session. And it’s not quite a commercial shoot. It’s a combination of the three!
A personal branding session isn’t just about taking pretty pictures. It’s a portrait session that tells a story about the business, the business owner, and the brand as a whole. It needs to show personality. It needs to portray who they are and what they do.

Because of this, you can’t just show up and take pics. Branding sessions take a lot of planning….both on their end and on your end! I love this about personal branding sessions because, by the time the date of the session actually rolls around, you already feel like you know the client and their business! And it's your responsibility to bring their brand and vision to life!

There's so much more I can talk about regarding personal branding sessions, but I'll save it for another day. If you're interested in personal branding, follow me on Instagram, join my facebook group, and check out the mentor sessions and workshops that I offer!