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  • Writer's pictureAshley Cambron

Hannah and Alex {engaged} pt 2

Here's part 2 of Hannah and Alex's fall Cincinnati engagement session from November! There were just so many beautiful photos that I wanted to share, I had to split it into two separate posts! That's a good problem though. ;)

I'm obsessed with how Hannah and Alex's outfits perfectly matched what was left of the fall foliage and I love how their faces light up when they look at each other!

Click here to check out part 1!

Sheron Woods Park Cincinnati Ohio

Sheron Woods Park Cincinnati Ohio

Sheron Woods Park engagement Cincinnati Ohio

Sheron Woods Park engagement Cincinnati Ohio

Cincinnati engagement photographer

Cincinnati couples photographer

Cincinnati couples photographer

Cincinnati photographer

Cincinnati photographer

Engagement photographer near me

Engagement photographer near me

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Louisville couples photographer

Louisville couples photographer

Louisville couples photographer

Louisville photographer

Louisville photographer

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Lexington KY photographer

Lexington KY photographer

Lexington KY photographer

Lexington KY couples photographer

Lexington KY couples photographer

Lexington KY couples photographer

Lexington KY engagement photographer

Lexington KY engagement photographer

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Nashville photographer

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